Memory Hunter - Narrative Thriller is an intriguing visual novel that puts you in control of a young woman who, after a traumatizing experience, has forgotten who she is and what has happened to her. Your objective is to find the answers to all your questions alongside detective Samuel.
Gameplay in Memory Hunter - Narrative Thriller is identical to other Tictales games. Your decisions and answers during the interactions with other characters will dictate the course of the story and will help you arrive at one ending or another.
The story in Memory Hunter - Narrative Thriller takes you to a bunch of different and intriguing situations that you can share with the three main characters: the nurse who is taking care of you, the detective who is investigating your case and an even more mysterious character.
Memory Hunter - Narrative Thriller is a super interesting visual novel that unlike other similar games, it slightly leaves romance aside and gives you a more action-packed plot. The visuals in the game are really great, as with the rest of Tictales games.